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Web 相关话题


### Mastering Web Design: Essential English Terminology 在数字时代,网站设计已成为连接人与信息的重要桥梁。无论是创建个人博客、企业网站还是电子商务平台,掌握一系列关键的英语术语对于设计师来说至关重要。这些术语不仅有助于清晰地沟通设计概念,还能促进国际间的协作和理解。以下是几个在Web设计领域中最为基础且重要的英语术语,帮助你更好地掌握这一领域。 #### 1. **User Interface (UI)** 用户界面(User Inter
### Exploring Web Design Fundamentals in English Web design is an essential aspect of the digital world, serving as the backbone for creating engaging and functional websites that cater to users' needs. It combines aesthetics, usability, and functio
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